Friday, March 4, 2016


The textbook says that most volcanic activity is related to tonic plate movement. The book also talks about how two thirds of the above sea level earthquakes occur in the ring fire. My country of Fiji is located in the ring of fire. There are four volcanos on different islands in Fiji. Nabukelevu is one of Fiji’s volcano on the island of Kadavu and has three fault lines running through it. This volcano has said to have not erupted in over 10,000 years. The largest of the four volcanos is Taveuni but has not erupted since 1658 AD. 
A disaster readiness campaign was launched because Fiji is a very disaster prone country. There have been 36 natural disasters in Fiji since 1980 that have said to have a death toll of 221 people. ‘Get Ready Disasters Happen’ is a campaign designed to make people aware and and promote key messages in order to get the community ready in the even of a disaster like a volcanic eruption. 


  1. It is good to see they do have some measures in place like education. You cannot help out if you are unaware of the hazard...
    The Pacific Disaster Center might have interesting info for you (

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